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The Education Programme Lebanon (School Construction)

PositionInternational and national long-/short-term experts, to be specified
Origin of fundingKfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany

To support the Lebanese government  in its efforts to provide formal education to all children  in the country, the Project concerns the construction of  new public-school infrastructure (either greenfield or in  exceptional cases  the extension of  existing buildings)  in  Phase  I  of  the  project  and  school extension of  existing buildings only in Phase II, including adequate  furnishing  and  equipment  as well  as associated  consulting  services  (including  broader  technical  assistance / capacity support for the PEA) to improve  the  overall  quality  of  school  infrastructure.  At  least 4,000  additional school  places  are to be  created  as  part  of  the  Project.   

The Project concerns the construction of new public-school infrastructure and refurbishing of existing schools, including adequate furnishing and equipment. With the budget available for investment measures, it is expected that at least four (4) new schools (Phase I) and another two (2) schools (Phase II) including school furniture and equipment can be newly built or rehabilitated/expanded.



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