Rwanda: An insight into the project "TVET Phase II"
During the project inception in June/July 2016 the process of selection was initiated based on a list of TVET institutes established by WDA (Workforce Development Authority) which is the Project Executing Agency (PEA). According to a previously agreed criteria list the schools were surveyed and thereof 7 were selected meeting the selection requirements and prerequisites for investment in construction and equipment as well as for support to the management and teaching staff. During entire 2017 the design and tendering process took place resulting in a works contract comprising 3 of the 7 schools which was awarded to a Rwanda construction company.
In January 2018 the construction phase started with ground breaking at the 3 TVET school locations Janja VTC (Vocational Training Centre), Maraba VTC and Gacuriro VTC. Despite a heavy rainy season in April and May and countrywide shortage of some building materials, e.g. cement and bricks, the contractor managed to keep to the works schedule. At this point of time (August 2018) 70% of the works are completed.
At Janja VTC, located in the District of Gakenke, Northern Province mainly new workshop constructions are carried out. Due to the mountainous location space for new buildings is restricted and thus part of the existing schoolyard is used to accommodate 3 workshops for the electricity, carpentry and masonry trades complemented by a separate building for a tailoring workshop.
The existing classrooms which have been constructed under the school's own direction are also part of the proposed investments scheme and are undergoing a comprehensive refurbishment.
Besides an upgrade of the external areas of the school, Maraba VTC in Huye District, Southern Province is extended by 3 new buildings. One of them is replacing the inappropriate and undersized carpentry workshop shelter, two others are accommodating a welding and a masonry workshop, both for trades to be introduced to the school to increase training opportunities in the region. As well, the Rwanda typical hillside location is limiting the available building land within the plot boundaries. Although, each workshop is designed to accommodate a number of 25 students as per WDA standard.
Gacuriro VTC is located within the inner urban perimeter of Kigali in Gasabo District. Except from a new masonry workshop the institute receives extensive refurbishment through upgrading the existing kitchen for Culinary Arts and setting up a new Food Processing unit into available space of an adjacent building. Additional free space of the same building is used to accommodate an electricity workshop and additional classrooms. The existing hairdressing studio will also be renovated. External areas will be partly upgraded, among others the paving of a steep road accessing the school's buildings located on a steep hillside.