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Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training Phase IV and V

PositionInternational and national long-/short-term experts (TVET sector)
Origin of fundingKfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany

The sector of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Rwanda has been supported by German Technical Cooperation (TC) since several years. In 2011 it was decided that TVET shall receive additional assistance through Financial Cooperation (FC). The implementation of the first phase of the FC support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training started in April 2014, the second phase started in June 2016 and third phase in January 2021.

Phases 4 and 5 aim to promote the demand side of vocational education and training (TVET) through its introduction of measures such as scholarships, boarding, etc. and, if necessary, e-learning infrastructure. This is intended to help improve access to vocational training opportunities.



Mozambique, Support to the Mozambican TVET Sector (TVET II)


The TVET sector in Mozambique faces a range of challenges. There seems to limited management skills at both school and institutional level and a slow implementation of key reform elements such as more autonomy for training providers...