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TitleImproving the quality of technical and vocational education
and training (TVET) in light manufacturing in Rwanda
PositionInternational & National Experts
Origin of fundingGIZ


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Unemployment and (particularly) underemployment are among the greatest challenges facing Rwanda. Nationally, the unemployment rate in 2021 averaged 21.1% (24.1% for women, compared with 18.5% for men). Despite high economic growth, the poverty rate has stagnated since 2011 at around 60% of the total population. Conflict dynamics in the politically fragile Great Lakes region are exacerbated by ongoing poverty, as young people in particular have few future prospects and are correspondingly vulnerable to all kinds of propaganda. The project “Skills development for economic transformation (SD4T)” is part of the priority area “Sustainable Economic Development” of the Rwandan-German Development Cooperation (DC). The project’s module objective is: “Pro-employment growth in Rwandan light manufacturing industry is aligned with the principles of inclusiveness, productivity and environmental sustainability”. It thus aims at creating jobs and strengtheningthe competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives in the light manufacturing industry (e.g. furniture production, metal processing etc.) according to the principles of inclusivity, productivity and environmental sustainability.

Experts' Profiles:

Key Expert 1: International Team Leader

Tasks of the Team Leader:

  • Overall responsibility for the successful implementation of the contract
  • Leadership of the consultancy team, including responsibility over personnel and staff management, in particular identifying the need for short-term assignments within the available budget, planning and managing the assignments and supporting local and international experts
  • Ensuring the coherence and complementarity within the contractor’s services and with other services delivered by the project at local and national level
  • Coordination of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity development measures and activities of all work packages in line with CAPACITY WORKS success factors
  • Supervision of implementation of activities in the field
  • Taking cross-cutting themes into consideration (for example, gender equality)
  • Ensuring that monitoring procedures are carried out
  • Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines and agreed upon formats
  • Responsibility for checking the use of funds and financial planning in consultation with the officer responsible for the commission at GIZ
  • Supporting the officer responsible for the commission in updating and/or adapting the project strategy, in evaluations and in preparing a follow-on phase
  • Maintaining contact with relevant partners and stakeholders, with prior consultation with the officer responsible for the commission at GIZ for contacts with other donors or the German embassy

Qualifications of the Team Leader:

  • Education/training: University degree (master’s or equivalent) either in vocational education, education, economics or social science
  • Languages: Knowledge of English, C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in the technical, vocational education and training sector, of which 5 years on another continent (international context)
  • Specific professional experience: 6 years of professional experience in developing and implementing employmentoriented TVET measures in cooperation with TVET institutions and the private sector; 2 years of professional experience in working with businesses of the light manufacturing sector 
  • Leadership/management experience: 6 years of management/leadership experience as project team leader or manager in a company
  • Regional experience: 5 years of work experience in Sub-Sahara Africa (region), of which 2 years in Rwanda 
  • Development cooperation experience: 6 years of experience working in DC projects

Key Expert 2: National/Regional TVET Development Expert 

 Tasks of the Expert 2:

  • Support to the team leader in organising and coordinating team tasks
  • Quality assurance for the contributions from the expert pools
  •  Communication with local partners
  • Moderation of stakeholder dialogues and workshops
  • Organization and implementation of design or revision of TVET curricula
  • Participation in regular internal meetings during the project
  • Regular contributions to the internal M&E processes of the project
  • Advising RP and RTB as well as private TVET stakeholders in making TVET in general and TVET curricula more labour market-oriented
  • Identifying the needs of businesses in the light manufacturing clusters for qualifications and, hence, curricula adaptations
  • Supporting RTB and RP with curricula development and revision
  • Identifying training needs of TVET personnel on revised curricula and conducting trainings based on these needs

Qualifications of the Expert 2:

  • Education/training: University degree (bachelor) either in vocational education, education, economics or public administration
  • Languages: Knowledge of English, C1 and Kinyarwanda, C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience related to the Rwanda TVET System
  • Specific professional experience: 5 years of professional experience in advising public TVET institutions; 5 years of professional experience in developing competency-based TVET curricula
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience: 5 years of experience working on DC projects
  • Other: 2 years of experience in organising initial and continuing professional development courses for TVET trainers

Key Expert 3: National/Regional Private Sector Engagement Expert

Tasks of the Key Expert 3: 

  • Support to the team leader in organising and coordinating team tasks
  • Quality assurance for the contributions from the expert pools
  • Communication with local partners
  • Regular contributions to the internal M&E processes of the project
  • Identifying the need for advice and support at TVET providers, MSMEs, cooperatives, and ICPCs to assist with implementing WPL activities
  • Developing a plan for implementing WPL activities
  • Facilitating cooperation between TVET providers, MSMEs, cooperatives, and ICPCs on the organisation and implementation of WPL activities
  • Organising and implementing short-term trainings to prepare graduates for WPL activities
  • Supporting the development of policy recommendations to promote establishing workplace learning at the institutional level
  • Developing and implementing technical short-term training measures for people working in MSMEs, cooperatives, and ICPCs

Qualifications of Key Expert 3:

  • Education/training: University degree (bachelor) in either vocational education, education, economics, management or business administration
  • Languages: Knowledge of English, C1 and Kinyarwanda, C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in relation to TVET or within a light manufacturing industry
  • Specific professional experience: 5 years of professional experience with approaches to cooperative TVET models in partnerships between public TVET providers and the private sector, 3 years of professional experience in designing and organising technical short-term training measures
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience: 4 years of experience working on DC projects

International Short-Term Expert pool


  • Researching and analysing of international best practices, regulations and experiences with curricula development in the relevant light manufacturing sectors as well as on occupational health and safety and environmental protection standards and practices in TVET
  • Development of concepts for policies and the regulatory framework on WPL incl. financing aspects
  • Support to the facilitation of cooperation agreement between TVET institutions and the private sector for WPL
  • Technical, didactical, pedagogical, and process-related inputs and support to the development and revision of competency-based curricula, training concepts, and materials, incl. standards, specifications, assessment instruments, learning and teaching materials
  • Developing concepts and training measures for training and professional development of teaching staff, especially on applied pedagogical techniques and increasing practical experience and skills
  • Designing and implementing skills needs assessments for training and capacity development measures or continuing education in light manufacturing industries
  • Support to the development of training measures, incl. implementation plan, budget, timeline as well as to the monitoring and evaluation


  • Education/training: All experts with a university degree (master’s or equivalent) in either vocational education, education, social science, economics or business administration
  • Language: All experts with knowledge of English, C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: All experts with 8 years of professional experience in the TVET sector, of which 5 years on another continent (international context) 
  • Specific professional experience: 
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in advising and supporting public and private TVET stakeholders in cooperative TVET or other types of WPL approaches in one of the following sectors: Wood Technology, Forestry, Interior Design, Leather Crafts or Fashion Design
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in initial and continuing professional development of employees in light manufacturing
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in developing and revising competency-based curricula or in developing capacities of TVET teachers

National/Regional Short-Term Expert pool


  • Advising TVET institutions and private partners on cooperating in TVET and on the implementation of WPL activities like professional internships
  • Advising MSMEs, cooperatives, and ICPCs on implementing professional internships
  • Building and growing networks between TVET institutions and businesses to establish cooperation agreements for WPL activities
  • Facilitating collaborations with businesses to accept TVET trainers for practical training, especially the Industry Attachment Programme
  • Advising public partners on curricula development and revision and on professional development of TVET trainers
  • Support to the needs assessment, revision and development of curricula
  • Support to skills needs assessment in the light manufacturing clusters and to the development of training measures
  • Implementation of developed training measures for the light manufacturing clusters, as well as coaching and mentoring of participants during and after the training measures


  • Education/training: 2-3 experts with a university degree (bachelor in engineering, economics, management, business administration), 2-3 experts with a university degree (bachelor in public administration, education, social science) 
  • Language: All experts with knowledge of English, C1 in the Common European
  • Framework of Reference for Languages, 3 experts with knowledge of Kinyarwanda, C2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: All experts with 5 years of professional experience in the TVET sector
  • Specific professional experience:
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in designing and implementing technical and pedagogical training measures for teachers and trainers
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in developing and revising competency-based TVET curricula
    • 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience in implementing WPL activities
    • 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in the light manufacturing sector of Interior Design, Leather Crafts or Fashion Design

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