Jobs - We offer Chances

TitleStrengthening women’s
economic empowerment in Rwanda
PositionInternational & National Experts
Origin of fundingGIZ


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Unemployment and (particularly) underemployment are among the greatest challenges facing Rwanda. Nationally, the unemployment rate in 2021 averaged 21.1% (24.1% for women, compared with 18.5% for men). Key conditions are missing to date for leveraging growth in light manufacturing for sustainable economic transformation which not only creates higher-quality, gender-inclusive employment but is also competitive. Besides access to financing for micro, small and mediumsized
enterprises (MSMEs), there is a shortage of skilled workers and technical and entrepreneurial knowledge for developing business models with long-term viability.

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) commissioned GIZ to implement the project “Skills development for Economic Transformation (SD4T)” as part of the priority area “Sustainable Economic Development” of the Rwandan-German Development Cooperation from 01/2023 to 12/2025. The project aims to create jobs and strengthen the competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives in the light manufacturing industry (e.g. furniture production, metal processing etc.) according to the principles of inclusivity, productivity and environmental sustainability.

Experts' Profiles:

Key Expert 1: Team Leader

  • Education/training: University degree in business, economics, political science, gender studies or a closely related field in social sciences
  • Languages: Knowledge of English C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 10 years of professional experience in the field of private sector development
  • Specific professional experience: 7 years of professional experience working in the area of women’s economic empowerment
  • Leadership/management experience: 5 years of management/leadership experience as project team leader or manager in a company managing/leading a team of minimum 3 people
  • Regional experience: 5 years of work experience in Sub Sahara Africa  and 5 years of work experience in other world regions
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience: 5 years experience working in DC projects
  • Other: 5 years experience working with chambers of commerce, businessassociations or training providers

Key Expert 2: Long term expert establishment of services

  • Education/training: University degree in business, economics, political science, gender studies or a closely related field in social sciences
  • Languages: Knowledge of English C1 and Kinyarwanda C2  in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 7 years of professional experience in the field of private sector development
  • Specific professional experience: 5 years of professional experience working in women’s economic empowerment
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience: 3 years experience working on DC projects

Expert 3: Long term expert establishment of services

  • Education/training: University degree in business economics, political science, gender studies or a closely related field in social sciences
  • Languages: Knowledge of English C1 and Kinyarwanda C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 3 years of professional experience in the field of private sector development
  • Specific professional experience: 1 year of professional experience working in women’s economic empowerment or with chambers, business associations or training providers
  • Development cooperation (DC) experience: 1 year of experience working on DC projects


Expert 4: Short term Expert pool 1 ‘Trainers and other short term experts Advocacy
and Business Development’

  • Education/training: all experts with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in business administration or a closely related field in social sciences
  • Language: all experts with knowledge of Kinyarwanda C2  and English B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: 1 expert with 7 years of professional experience in public relations or communication and 30 days of training provided in that area, all remaining experts with 8 years of professional experience in business development and 100 days of training provided in that area
  • Specific professional experience:
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in business management including bookkeeping, business plan writing, human resource management, marketing or related field within business management 
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in access to finance, taxation or related field
    • 1 expert with 6 years professional experience in facilitating market access, e-commerce or related field 
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in women’s economic empowerment or working with women entrepreneurs 
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in advocacy

Expert 5: Short term Expert pool 2 ‘Trainers and other short term experts Tourism’

  • Education/training: all experts with a university degree in tourism management or
    closely related field in social sciences (bachelor’s/master’s)
  • Language: all experts with knowledge of Kinyarwanda C2 and English B2  in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
  • General professional experience: all experts with 8 years of professional experience in the tourism or hospitality sector and 100 days of training provided in that area
  • Specific professional experience:
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience providing training for housekeeping and front office
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in guiding or closely related field in tourism 
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in food and beverage services 
    • 1 expert with 6 years of professional experience in hotel management including revenue management

Jordan, Strengthening Green Eonomy through Policy Advisory and Green Business Development


The overall objectove of the GAIN project is that "public and private actors use instruments to promote Green Economy"...