
Title | Feasibility Study for the establishment of a Higher Institute for Professional Education (ISEP) in Mbacké |
Type of project | Construction & Equipment, Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energies, Vocational Training and Education |
Client | KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany |
Origin of funding | German Government |
Duration | 09/2021 - 02/2022 |
The Diourbel region, particularly around the cities of Touba and Mbacké, is characterised by strong but rather informal economic activities. The main activities are traditional agriculture and trade. In economic terms, the central position of the town of Mbacké in relation to the rest of the country, and the recent completion of the "Ila Touba" motorway between Dakar and Touba/Mbacké facilitates access. The unemployment rate in Diourbel is 23.4%. There are 9 public training structures (8 training centres, 1 technical high school) and 5 private training centres in the field of vocational education and training in the region. Two (2) vocational training centres are located in Mbacké.
In order to analyse the relevance of the Senegalese government's request for the construction of an ISEP focusing on renewable energy and efficiency, an exploratory study mission was carried out in2018, following which an initial assessment of the vocational training sector was established. The objective of the study was to assess the relevance and feasibility of building and equipping an ISEP in Mbacké.
PEM CONSULT supports the project promoter in the in-depth analysis phase of the project (construction and equipment of the ISEP), as well as in the elaboration of a project concept taking into account the location, the target group, the market needs, the synergies with other technical and financial partners, as well as potential risks, all with a strong reference to the sustainability of the measure.
To this end, a thorough analysis of the current situation on the ground (sectoral analysis, needs analysis, general stakeholder analysis, target group analysis, analysis of the project promoter and the executing agency, detailed estimate of costs and available funding) and the elaboration of a project concept were carried out.
It is envisaged to launch a design competition for the ISEP building(s) on the basis of the feasibility study. Some appropriate complementary measures, such as teacher training, measures to facilitate the integration of graduates, development of a maintenance system etc. were also identified (taking into account the ongoing and planned activities of the GIZ PESEREE project).