Education and Labour Market

Governments in many transition countries have been undertaking efforts to reform the education and training system oriented at recognised international standards. In order to enhance skills and employability, young and adult trainees need to be prepared for the requirements of a dynamic working life.

This calls for close collaboration among local employment offices, employers, trade unions and other social partners to respond jointly to the challenges of employment promotion. Labour market skills analyses need to consider gender aspects, vulnerable groups and age to establish a starting point for inclusive access of all social groups to education and employment opportunities.

The sector needs enhanced competencies of institutions, trainers and networks to contribute to application-oriented training provision. PEM CONSULT is committed to facilitate cooperation, coordination and communication among all stakeholders in the education system, the labour market and donor institutions and provide all partners with the support they need to fulfil their roles in the system.

Expansion of the University of Namibia & Extension of the Katima Mulilo Campus


Support to Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Phase III (TVET III)


The sector of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Rwanda has been supported by German Technical Cooperation (TC) since several years...

Afghanistan, TVET Program - Phase II


Within the framework of the German Financial Cooperation (FC) with Afghanistan, the German Federal Government, through KfW Development Bank, continues to support the efforts of the Government of...

Egypt, TVET II - Enhancing TVET Relevance to Labor Market needs


The Projects "Enhancing TVET relevance to Labor Market needs" is part of the programme "Support to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Programme in Egypt - Phase II (TVET II)".

Vietnam, Vocational Training Programme 2008 (VTP 2008)


Assistance to the PMU and the Programme Colleges in the management of supply contract management, supervision of delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment and quality control.

Croatia, Capacity Building of Business Support Institutions and Professionals


Improving quality and availability of business support services to SMEs by developing the professional expertise and enhancing capacities of service providers and local business support institutions.

Croatia, Adult Learning


Implementation of a modern and flexible concept of adult learning for Croatia in line with the new labour market requirements, the lifelong learning approach and EU best-practice examples.

Bosnia & Herzegovina, Employment Policy Reform


Support to the economic regeneration of Bosnia and Herzegovina by increasing employment through effective labour market policies.

Vocational Education in Sri Lanka – Establishment of formal cooperative training in mechatronics NVQ L5


The project is embedded in the broader project "Vocational Training in Sri Lanka (VTSL)", which aims to increase the access to demand-based cooperative vocational training for Sri Lanka's youth...