
TitleRehabilitation of Secondary Education in NAD and Nias (RESA Project)
Type of projectWorks Supervision, Supply of Equipment
ClientBadan Rekonstruksi dan Rehabilitasi NAD & Nias (BRR)
Origin of fundingKfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
Duration09/2005 - 12/2009

The RESA Project represented the Financial Assistance (FA) component of a comprehensive German assistance programme for the rehabilitation and modernisation of secondary education in the Tsunami and earthquake affected regions of the provinces of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) and North Sumatra (here specifically the island of Nias).

The consulting services under the FA component included the full financial management of the investment grant for Senior General Secondary Schools (SMA, Gymnasium) and Senior Secondary Vocational Schools (SMK), both under the Ministry of National Education (MoNE).

Based on a detailed physical damage and loss assessment as well as an assessment of the relevance of the

vocational trades offered by the SMK under the programme, individual reconstruction plans were elaborated for each school. The rehabilitation assistance included:

  • Detailed engineering planning for repair and completion of the re-construction of buildings, infrastructure and facilities;
  • Equipment planning and specification for general and specific vocational equipment for the programme schools;
  • Tendering and contracting of necessary works and supplies;
  • Supervision of works and supplies;
  • Training of teachers in the use of modern didactical equipment.