
Title | TVET Reform Program - Phase I |
Type of project | Education and Labour Market |
Client | Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) / Ministry of Industry |
Origin of funding | KfW Development Bank, Frankfurt, Germany |
Duration | 08/2018 - 06/2021 |
The project aims to support the efforts of the Ministry of Education (MoE) of Myanmar with implementing the National Education Strategic Plan (NESP) 2016 - 2021. Thereby, the project shall focus on expanding the access to TVET for various target groups and to enhance the labour market relevance of TVET, resulting in improved practical training offered at supported TVET institutes.
This shall be achieved by
- supplying training equipment (Component 1 - Investment Measures); and
- a needs-oriented training and support programme to secure its effective and sustainable operation (Component 2 - Accompanying Measures).
In cooperation with the GIZ TC component, the supported TVET institutes GTI Insein, GTI Shwe Pyi Thar and GTHS Ywarma shall be supported as a cluster to efficitate the project outcomes of the FC and TC measures.
As a specific element, the project contains a photovoltaic (PV) system for the ITC Sinde operating under the MoI. This requires a feasibility study and a comprehensive energy concept based on a preliminary energy concept submitted by a local consulting company as well as the procurement and installation of the PV system with needs-oriented capacity building measures for effective and sustainable operation.
Project Management, Procurement of Equipment for 3 institutes and Procurement of PV system for 1 institute
- Mobilisation and Start-up on site (Kick-off workshop)
- Establishment of preliminary equipment long lists and initial cost estimate
- Assessment of planning / progress of counterpart measures (renovation & buildings)
- Scoping study PV-system ITC Sinde (collection of basic planning data, power consumption analysis etc.)
- Inception workshop and report
Equipment Planning
- Planning & Specification of Equipment, Tools & Teaching Aids
- Preparation of the Feasibility Study for the ITC Sinde PV system
Tender preparation
- Preparation of technical Tender Documents (SUPPLIES)
- Preparation of technical Tender Documents (PV-system)
- Preparation / finalisation of administrative Tender Documents
Tendering and contracting
Supplies contract management
- Financial management
- Logistic support during delivery period
- Post-delivery support and initial staff training
Elaboration of the Accompanying Measures (AM) Concept
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Outlining the structure of the AM
- Implementation Concept for the AM
- Preparation / Implementation of awareness raising measures
- Preparation / Submission of the AM Concept Report