
TitleTechnical Assistance on Vocational Education and Training in Kosovo (KOSVET I,II,III)
Type of projectVocational Education and Training
ClientMinistry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) / Ministry of Labour and Social
Welfare (MLSW)
Origin of fundingEuropean Commission - EuropeAid, Brussels, Belgium
Duration10/2002 - 03/2009

The overall objectives of this project were to provide support to the economic development of Kosovo, to the development of labour market information systems and to the development of specific sectors.

Overall objectives:

  • Support to the economic development of Kosovo through the development of a long term and EU compatible vocational education and training system;
  • Support to the development of labour market information systems to support employment and VET system development, based on the establishment of a market oriented occupational classification system;
  • (Phase I only) Support to the development of specific sectors in the VET system: business administration, electronics, IT.

Our main services included - VET Policy Advice - Labour Market Analysis, Training Needs Analysis - Development and adaptation of occupational and qualification standards - Certification systems and procedures, curricula development and adaptation - Teacher Training Programmes - Procurement of school equipment and workshops - Development of Life Long Learning - Career Guidance.