
Title | Industry-led Skills and Workforce Development Project |
Type of project | Technical Vocational Education and Training, Grants Fund Management |
Client | Private and Public TVET Providers, Ministry of Education |
Origin of funding | Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Washington, D.C., United States |
Duration | 09/2014 - 03/2019 |
The Industry-led Skills and Workforce Development (ISWD) Project is a $16 million project which aims to improve the linkage between market-demanded skills and the supply of Georgians with technical skills relevant to the local economy. Investments to support TVET are necessary to address industry demand for skilled technicians and to reach potential beneficiaries who may not have the opportunity to obtain further education and training. The four activities and results under this project are as follows:
Competitive Programme Improvement Grants
- Innovative and effective approaches developed by providing investment funding through a competitive grants programme.
- TVET providers incentivized to engage with industry - particularly in higher-level STEM areas and agriculture
- New TVET programmes established or existing TVET programmes expanded /improved to result in a recognised qualification
Strengthening TVET Provider Practice
- Capacity building for strengthening and/or documenting industry-oriented best practices identified/funded
- TVET Provision re-orientated towards labour market/industry needs
Strengthening TVET Sector Policy
- TVET Sector Policy strengthened by providing TA in support of the objective of re-orienting TVET towards industry needs in specific policy areas
Annual TVET Conference
- TVET Stakeholders brought together for dialogue, information exchange, best practice sharing and learning about trends in TVET
- Results of the ISWD Project showcased/disseminated