
Title | YES - In-Company Training / Business Membership Organisations |
Type of project | Education and Labour Market |
Client | Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) |
Origin of funding | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany |
Duration | 01/12/2017 - 30/11/2020 |
In order to address high unemployment and missing job opportunities of young Kosovars in their home country, the project "Youth, Employment and Skills (YES)" has been designed and is implemented from January 2018 to December 2020 in Kosovo. The project aims to improve the employability and employment of the Kosovar youth, including females and ethnic minorities. Special emphasis is laid on the (re-) integration of returnees and inclusion of minorities to provide them with promising perspectives in terms of skills development and income generation through decent jobs in their home country, respectively pave the ground for regular, skills and labour market-based job migration to Germany.
The project concept encompasses four interlinked action fields to address a nexus of core challenges: (1) Multi-stakeholder measures to promote youth employment; (2) quality improvement of the supply of professional education and training supply for young people, (3) capacity development to enhance innovation capacities for the promotion of youth employment, and (4) development of models for recognition of selected Kosovar professional qualifications in Germany.
PEM CONSULT's assignment constitutes Field of Action 2 (FA 2) of the "Youth Employment and Skills" Programme. It aims to improve the quality of vocational education and training offers for young people (including women, returnees, vulnerable groups, VET students and job seekers) and targets both the local and central level.
To improve the situation described above the project aims to improve the quality by a stronger orientation of the supply towards the needs of the labor market and the introduction of in-company practice learning ("dual elements") in education and training institutions. A close and continuous coordination and practical cooperation between public and private education and training institutions and private sector actors is thereby essential. For this purpose, vocational education and further training programmes in the pilot regions shall be implemented with multiple stakeholders.
The consulting services include:
- An agreed competency-based Standard for Training of In-Company Trainers to be submitted for registration under the Kosovar Qualification Framework;
- Development and pilot implementation of a Training of Master Trainers Programme to deliver training against the draft Standard to prospective In-Company Trainers;
- Pilot implementation of at least 10 Training of Trainers courses with participating companies;
- Business model to institutionalise further In-Company Trainer development in Kosovo among others with a focus on establishing this as a core Service Offer of BMOs to their membership