Title | TRIGGER II - Start-up Promotion |
Type of project | Employment and Labour Market |
Client | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany |
Origin of funding | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, Germany |
Duration | 11/2019-04/2024 |
The project is part of the GIZ TRIGGER program, aiming to support start-ups in Tajikistan and to promote the start-up ecosystem in the country. Specifically, the project targets to achieve the following objective:
- 100 newly founded enterprises, 30 % of which were run by women whose business idea was supported by the project, continue to exist 6 months after the start of activities. Base value: 0, target value: 100 companies, of which 12 are women-led.
The Start-up Promotion project focussing Dushanbe and Khujand Regions of Tajikistan aims to transform business ideas into market-oriented business models. Potential founders should be encouraged to become entrepreneurs.
In order to achieve sustainability, to strengthen the capacities of actors in the country, all key activities will be carried out together with selected local implementation partners. The project comprises the following activities:
- Awareness and Start-up Events: There is a general lack of entrepreneurial spirit in Tajikistan. A targeted, gender-sensitive awareness campaign is therefore important.
- Boot camps: Selected potential entrepreneurs develop or further develop business ideas as well as receive a basic course in the area of.
- Incubator program: During the 3-month incubator programme training courses for the start-ups will be offered by business trainers as well as workplaces with internet access and supervisors are available for the founders. Particular attention will be paid to formats that facilitate access to financing (financial readiness training). Contact with banks and financing institutions will be established during the training phase.
- Pitching events: At the end of each incubator phase, a closing event will be held. This will include company presentations (pitches) or matchings with potential investors as well as banks and financing institutions.
- Mentoring: Tajikistan currently does not have a Mentorship or Business Angel Network, so that a mentoring programme shall be introduced.